
Tuesday 2 August 2011


Everyday we hear news of an accident because of drunk driver, a house getting on fire because of carelessness, a truck getting overturned because it was carrying extra load etc. Why don’t we learn from these consequences that safety is a must and every person should be educated  about the value of life for a safe well being .
Safety signs are seen everywhere. From street, swimming pools, hallways, workplaces, or even in parks. An occurrence of something so yet so very often reminded for anyone could only mean one thing: it is a very simple thing to do yet very easily overlooked. The different kinds of signs one sees in a place implies that you would have to abide by it or be ready to stick to it.

1. Fire Safety - these signs are usually used to describe what people should do to prevent fire and the things they should do to protect against it. Fire exit signs are used to indicate that a stairway or a hallway could be used as the quickest escape route in case of fire. Fire extinguisher signs are used to exhibit where the fire extinguisher is located, and guides the user on how and where to use the fire extinguisher. Fire assembly point signs are used to indicate a location where it is risk-free to stay in case of emergency evacuations. Fire prevention indicators like the famous 'No Smoking' signs are used to instruct people what to do to prevent fires.

2. Swimming Pool Safety - these are signs that are used to prevent incidents and accidents in a pool area. Pool safety signs involve a number of signs that are usually meant for the people in the pool to follow for a no fuss pool experience. No running signs could be found all over the pool area where the surface is wet and unsafe for running. No diving signs could be seen in parts of the pool where the water is shallow and not fit for anybody to dive in. Some signs are instructive too. Like exactly how to use the shower rooms and other premises of the particular swimming pool. Some indicate if there is a lifeguard on duty, and not having one reminds people to take extra care. Signs that remind parents to look closely after their children and precious things could also be seen in community pool areas


3. Traffic Safety - these are signs that are used to instruct and remind drivers about boundaries, distances, and dos and don'ts in their driving. Traffic signs are the most widely used signals all over the world, having signs almost every few meters. They are comprised of warning signs, guide signs, street signs, welcome signs, recreational signs, school signs and many others. The most typical of these are the road signs which indicate the name of the streets and are different in colors and appearance depending on the state the driver is in. Stop signs in this category means that a driver should stop driving some feet  prior to the intersection to give way to drivers, pedestrians or other automobiles (e.g. Trains).

4. Workplace Safety - these are signs used around a workplace to indicate the distinct procedures and guidelines that come with entering a facility, a room or a building. For instance, safety clothing is needed before entering a laboratory which deals with toxins and other hazardous substances, and it is indicated with a sign or a whole place before the area to remind people that appropriate clothing is required before entrance.

            Being safe does not mean that we are projected from danger or risk. It has a deeper meaning. I am sure that you all must have head the proverb “Prevention is better than cure”.  This has been proved that if a person takes care of all the safety measures he can be saved from even the most fatal accident. On the other hand if he is careless even a minor thing could cause great damage and there are very less chances of surviving. Something we all then to ignore is that many lives have been saved only and because of the preventive measure that people took. For instance, in India during the floods of Bihar the government had evacuated the flood prone areas and people were saved. If followed in the right way this attitude of people can bring changes to the world. There would peace and prosperity around the world grief and pain would vanish.

 In the last but not the least I only have to say one thing “Safety isn't Expensive, its Priceless.”